Getting away from the digital card, which has become popular for people with little time, personal crafting and card making at home is making a comeback. But did you know, that card making is a creative field that is constantly evolving and developing with new trends ? You’d be surprised! Get the latest kits, equipment and card making supplies here, in our shop.
Here are some of the most popular card making trends in 2024:
Eco-Friendly Cards: In 2024, eco-friendly cards aren’t just a trend; they’re a movement. More and more card-lovers are choosing options that are off the High Street, and made at home! Add natural touches to your cards, using recycled card, dried flowers you’ve collected yourself, eco-friendly inks that don’t harm the environment. Something about the last few years has had people enjoying spending time at home. Doing things with family and friends, or filling the time away from screens and computers and going back to developing forgotten fine motor skills making your own products and the pleasure of personal creativity - its healthy, its creative, and card making trends are going back to how we used to be before computers took over!
Handmade Magic: There’s something undeniably special about a handmade card from someone you love and the demand for handmade cards is definitely on the rise. This year, the charm of DIY cards, with their imperfect lines and personal flair, is getting decidedly trendy and will touch your loved one’s heart. They show that you’ve invested something more valuable than money – your precious time!
Personalized Cards: The ability to customise your card perfectly to the occasion is what sets home card making apart. Tailor messages in your own handwriting, with quality pens, or using our fonts and design tools, to write your own exciting, personal and creative statements!
Envelope-less Cards: One of the most intriguing trends in 2024 is the disappearing act of envelopes. With concern for our environment growing, many are opting for envelope-free cards to save using more paper. In the days before glued envelopes, people would seal their letters with a waxen seal and a personal stamp. Now, because we know how much our card making community love to experiment and get away from commercialised products, card making trends like this that have a touch of nostalgia for a simpler life, could easily return, just for the fun of it!
Occasions Beyond Birthdays: Stepping into 2024, we’re celebrating more than just birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Mothers’ Day and other holidays with our cards. There’s a trend for recognising offbeat occasions, like “Happy Hump Day” cards or “Celebrate Stoptober" or "Congrats on Your Chocolate Detox”. What type of thing could you invent a card for? Do you think these card making trends will last?
So customisation is taking card making trends to a totally new level opening up a whole new field for hobby card makers and those who are looking to sell their cards online or at local shops and stalls.
Remember, card making is all about personal expression and creativity. We make a host of card making tools and products to help you make superb cards, every time! So, feel free to experiment with these card making trends and make them your own!
Lisa Horton Crafts is an online only craft making supplies shop, based at Polegate
East Sussex, UK. Call us on 01323 301777 or Contact Us Here if you have any queries, or questions. And happy card making!